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war, peace
& emotions


war, peace & emotions

This commission came at the request of a Portuguese social and educational organisation called CLDS 4G Viana do Castelo. The people involved in the project were keen to have a small publication produced and directed, in regards to the Ukrainian War. Their goal was to target children and their families, as well as the wider school community.


All imagery and text was created by local children aged 9-10, in response to how they perceived the war. As the content was simple and impactful, there was no need to do much more than let it shine.


By isolating certain drawings against a lot of negative space, the pages convey a sense of emptiness, reflective of the war itself. The book doesn't shy away from difficult feelings, quite the contrary: it is about validating children's emotions and views towards such a difficult subject. The project is a true celebration of their emotional literacy, and it hopes to create dialogue both at school and at home.


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