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finding meanings


finding meanings

"Dar Sentidos", roughly translated as "providing" or "finding" meanings, is the name and core idea behind Bárbara's practice. As a psychologist, she was looking to rebrand her digital space, with the potential to expand into a physical space soon.

In Portuguese, the word "sentidos" can both associate itself with "meanings" and "directions" - a connection that inspired the idea of movement that takes centre stage across the branding. This reflects the flow of a therapeutic process as well as Bárbara's goal of supporting clients who might be feeling "lost" and in need of counselling.

Simple and straightforward language is key to this platform so it can generate a sense of trust, whilst supporting people on the lookout for Psychology sessions. The visuals aim to support that honest communication by creating a welcoming atmosphere to potential clients, demystifying the stigma around Psychoterapy.

The illustration and overall design have a uniqueness to it and a hand-made feel, reflecting how theraphy itself should be: tailored to the individual. It is also fairly uncomplicated, allowing for the content of the publications to shine.


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Clarify Ideas

Explain concepts

about the profession.

Fight disinformation.

Fight Stigma

Content about therapy:

why and how to start,

what is the process like.

Demystifying the process.

Weekly Read

Book suggestions,

connect with Psychology.

It isn't Love

Focused on relationships,

domestic violence,

violence in the context

of dating, etc.

Children's Corner

Content related

to school, education

and development.

Useful Information

Who the therapist is,

what she does and why.

Useful contacts.

"To Teenage" is Human

Content related

with professional

orientation, boundaries,

parent relationships, etc.

The Calendar Says

Important dates and

milestones to highlight.

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