the freedom issue
aAh! magazine issues
aAh! Magazine is Manchester School of Art's arts and culture student magazine. It allows student journalists and creatives to have a platform to showcase their talent and ideas.
The Freedom Issue comes from the willingness to explore the meaning of the word "freedom" at a time when most of us realised we can't take it for granted. The most recent political and societal landscape, conditioned by Covid restrictions, has certainly made us question the meaning of the word.
Tackeling issues of privilege and freedom supression as well as personal and political stories, this issue is all about creating a personal connection with your own concept of freedom. The cover design was particularly inspired by that sentiment of individuality.
the change
The Change Issue provided an incredible opportunity for writers and creatives to explore a subject that is deeply dichotomic. It can be individual or affect everyone. It can be small, like changing your haircut, or have a huge in impact on the country's population, such as a new law being implemented. Change can be something you welcome or something you dread, but it is ultimately inevitable.
The issue addresses themes of self-growth and positive change within our local communities. It also looks into difficult subjects, such as revenge porn and zoom dismorphia, doing exposés on the evolving social and technological era we live in.
Most importantly, the issue includes a special feature about the conflict in Ukraine, with testimonies from best friends Aleksandra (an Ukrainian refugee), and Kristina, a Russian exchange student living in Manchester.